The existing roof of Bridge Cottage consists of peg tiles attached to tile battens that are, themselves nailed to the original rafters of the building. Although parts of the roof were re-tiled when the building was first rescued in 1984, much of the tiling dates from an earlier period.
Unfortunately these, later tiles were fixed in place by iron nails and most of these are now badly rusted. As the rusting progresses it expands in the peg hole and, eventually bursts the corner of the tile causing it to slip.
During the refurbishment of the building, all the existing tiles will be removed to allow insulation to be added in this area. The roof consists of approximately 17,000 tiles and, whilst some tiles will be recovered, many will need replacing. This insulation will consist of Thermafleece insulation, made from sheep wool that is sympathetic to timber framed buildings.
A sample roof panel has been constructed that shows a cut-away portion of the roof and this is on display in the Bridge Cottage shop where other information on the project is displayed.
We are running a ‘Sponsor a Tile’ event as a way of both raising funds and connecting with the community. Single tiles are available for £1.50 and if you are able to complete a Gift Aid form this increases the benefit to us to £1.92. Obviously you are not limited to one tile and we welcome ‘bulk sponsorships’!
If you can help us, please return a completed form and cheque (payable to UDPS) to The Treasurer, 23 Farriers Way, Uckfield, TN22 5BY.
Thank You!