Uckfield Bonfire & Carnival Society
Here at Bridge Cottage Heritage Centre we held a temporary exhibition on the history of the Uckfield Bonfire and Carnival Society (UBCS) on Saturday 2nd September in commemoration of the 190th Anniversary. The Society was formed in 1827.
Left: Here pictured are Uckfield Bonfire Society members outside the Foresters’ Hall in Harcourt Road. The moustached gentleman is thought to be Eddie Oliver – bass player in the Town Band for many years. c.1908 Archive ref: 2016.PHT.123
All images shown here are from our archive. UDPS holds a vast local history collection of photographs, documents, ephemera, books and objects. For further information please email our education team here: education@bridgecottageuckfield.co.uk
The exhibition displayed numerous programmes, costumes and photographs, as shown below.