Heritage Lottery Update

Unfortunately the Heritage Lottery Fund again decided at their March meeting that they could not support our application. For a second time we received many positive comments, but the meeting was even more competitive because it was the final one under the current grant scheme. The rejection is very disappointing

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Stage 1 Heritage Lottery bid

We have resubmitted our Heritage Lottery bid and are awaiting news about Stage 1 acceptance in March.  Hopefully we will be successful and have a lot of work to prepare for Stage 2 which needs to be completed by May 28th.  Watch this space for updates!

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We wait with fingers crossed!

The first round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund has been made and will be considered at their meeting in September. We have had good discussions with the officer dealing with our grant but it is a competitive process so there is no guarantee of funding, even for a very good project like

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