A new set of stamps are to be issued on 20th June depicting Mills of the United Kingdom. From all the other wonderful windmills Nutley Windmill has been chosen to represent England and can be seen on the first class stamp.
Royal Mail highlighted the cultural importance of our historic mills, saying “Some of the UK’s surviving windmills and watermills are over 400 years old and many are still in working order. We have selected three of each from around the UK as a tribute to these elegant and charming structures”.
This fantastic tourist attraction, which can be seen from the A22, on the Ashdown Forest is maintained by the Uckfield & District Preservation Society.
Brian Pike, Chairman of the Society, said “This stamp is a fabulous achievement and is very rewarding for the volunteers who have given their time to keep the mill open to the public”.
Nutley Windmill, a Grade II* listed building, constructed in the 16th century has been completely renovated by a dedicated team of volunteers. It is the oldest working mill in Sussex.
Stamps and accompanying postcards can be obtained from Nutley Windmill, Bridge Cottage, the UDPS charity shop in Uckfield or the local Post Office.