Nus Ghani MP for Wealden talks about women in politics

As part of our Women of Wealden Suffrage exhibition we welcomed Nus Ghani MP for Wealden to introduce a talk exploring inspiring Sussex women throughout history.  Nus took to the floor to share her experiences of being a woman in politics today and how she is a champion for women’s equality

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Inspiring the next generation of women to make a difference!

Today we welcomed Charlotte Dobson from UK Parliament’s Outreach and Engagement Service to Bridge Cottage who delivered a workshop on the Suffragettes and Beyond to our guests. Those in attendance found out the fascinating story of how women won the vote, from the earliest petitions and protests to the direct action of

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Women of Wealden Suffrage Exhibition launches

Monday 21st May 2018 Today we launched our new exhibition ‘Women of Wealden Suffrage’ exploring and celebrating the story of local Suffragists. Opening the exhibition today was Vice-Chair Wealden District Council Pam Doodes and the first female MP for Wealden Nus Ghani along with special guests The Daisy Belles and Uckfield College drama students

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UCKFIELD & URBAN HISTORY Uckfield will feature in a national symposium on “Urban History Outside the Academy” on Friday 25th May at Leeds Beckett University.   Scholars and active citizens are demonstrating the various ways that the subject influences everyday life. Other, bigger places to be covered include the Black Country,

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Heathfield Community College pupil turns reporter @Bridge Cottage

We were delighted to welcome Emily Thompson from Heathfield Community College during our first Literary Festival.  Emily was writing a report for The Argus newspaper as part of their ‘Young Reporters Scheme’.  Using her journalistic skills Emily interviewed Nick Carter, children’s author, to find out more about the inspiration for

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Sad Announcement – Frank Sellens

The Society is sad to announce the passing of Frank Sellens,  one of our long standing Society Members at the age of 94.   Frank was a great friend of the Society, and closely followed all our activities particularly the restoration of Bridge Cottage.  From his days as a local

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History of Uckfield High Street Exhibition

Our interactive exhibition exploring Uckfield High Street through the ages is on NOW. Come and see photographs, maps and objects which reveal the history of our High Street. Opening at Bridge Cottage Heritage Centre on Saturday 24th March 2018 10am-4pm and running until Saturday 7th April (closed on Sundays and

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Sussex Graves and Gravestones

Tonight here at Bridge Cottage we were treated to a fascinating talk by Kevin Gordon Bridge Cottage was packed for this fully booked talk where Kevin took us on a virtual tour of interesting Sussex gravestones and graveyards.  One such story was that of an Irishman, Edward Kenealy. He was a

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Nusrat Ghani MP for Wealden supports #WOWsuffrage

Bridge Cottage Heritage Centre are delighted to announce our collaboration with MP for Wealden Nusrat Ghani, to bring an immersive exhibition exploring women’s suffrage in Wealden.  Click here for more information.  The exhibition will open on Monday 21st May and run until 2nd June 2018. Full programme to be published

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Anglo-Saxon Workshop with Yr 4 St.Philips School

On Monday 5th February 2018, the Education Team at Bridge Cottage Heritage Centre welcomed year 4 from St. Philip’s Primary School, Uckfield for a workshop on Anglo-Saxon life.   Year 4 all made Saxon bread with Maria (pictured here dressed in authentic Saxon costume). The children mixed wholemeal wheat flour,

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