800 YEARS OF UCKFIELD’S WRITTEN HISTORY On 6 August 1220, the Sheriff of Sussex was notified of the licence granted for Uckfield’s market on Wednesdays. As lord of the manor, the Archbishop of Canterbury owed the Crown one palfrey: £3 7s 8d. This was entered on the fine roll kept

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UDPS Charity Shop is opening on Monday 15th June!

The Uckfield & District Preservation Society (UDPS) charity shop in Town Square is to re-open on Monday 15 June. The shop will be open daily from 10-00am to 4-00pm. Social distancing will be in place, with a maximum of 3 customers at any one time. All customers will be asked

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Answers to Quiz 2

We hope you enjoyed Quiz 2! Here are the answers… 1. In what year was Bridge Cottage saved from demolition by the Uckfield & District Preservation Society and Uckfield Town Council? 1983 2. Bridge Cottage is currently heated with under floor heating which is driven by a? Ground Sourced Heat

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Celebrating 100 years since the first council house was built in Wealden

Celebrating 100 years since the first council house was built in Wealden The Housing and Town Planning Act (also known as the Addison Act after it’s author Dr. Christopher Addison) was signed in 1919. However, it wasn’t until 1920 that council houses started to be built in Wealden. The first

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Quiz number two!

Here is our second quiz, just for fun (no prizes I’m afraid), all about Bridge Cottage and Nutley Windmill. The answers will be posted here on the website in 3-4 weeks time.   1. In what year was Bridge Cottage saved from demolition by the Uckfield & District Preservation Society

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Quiz Answers!

Here are the answers to the first quiz! 1) The previous owners of Nutley Windmill were Lord and Lady Castle Stewart 2) The Windmill stood facing this direction for 60 years until restoration freed it in 1972 south-west 3) During the filming of Chocky’s Children at the Windmill in 1984, one

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A Secondary School for Uckfield – 1952-1960 by Howard Gilbert, from Hindsight 15

A Secondary School for Uckfield – 1952-1960 An “Official Guide” for Uckfield, published in about 1951 or 1952 has the following entry.(1) “Parents of young children will be interested to learn that there are several good schools in Uckfield and the vicinity. A Preparatory School for Boys, Temple Grove, at

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A Quiz!

How much do you know about Bridge Cottage and Nutley Windmill? Why not have a go at our quiz on aspects of both these magnificent buildings – if you have visited our recent exhibitions, you may find answers in the exhibition booklets that were on sale. Alternatively, others can be

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CANCELLED – Nutley Windmill Open Day 29th March 2020

We are sorry to announce that Nutley Windmill will be closed for this month’s open-day on the 29th March 2020 because if the COVID-19 Precautions. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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CANCELLED – The Work of East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service

CANCELLED -We are very sorry, but due to the current situation we have cancelled this Evening Talk. We are hoping to re-book ‘The Work of East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service’ by Trevor Weeks for next year and will publish a new date as soon as we can.

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