• Success!!

    We are delighted to announce that The Uckfield and District Preservation Society (UDPS) has received a confirmed grant of £1,017,600 from the Heritage Lottery Fund

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  • HLF Application Update

    Our second round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund has been submitted, after a last minute delay due to their website being out of action

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  • Bridge Cottage wins Heritage Lottery Fund Support

    Bridge Cottage wins Heritage Lottery Fund Support The Uckfield & District Preservation Society (UDPS) has received initial support* from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for

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  • Small beginnings…

    A small start has been made!  We have instigated an Enabling Project to carry out early ground works where we hope to build a modest,

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  • Heritage Lottery Update

    Unfortunately the Heritage Lottery Fund again decided at their March meeting that they could not support our application. For a second time we received many

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  • Stage 1 Heritage Lottery bid

    We have resubmitted our Heritage Lottery bid and are awaiting news about Stage 1 acceptance in March.  Hopefully we will be successful and have a

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  • We wait with fingers crossed!

    The first round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund has been made and will be considered at their meeting in September. We have had good discussions

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